Sunday, March 23, 2014

Daily Tips #4

Need some tips for the day? 
No fear! 'Tips for Songwriters' is here!

01. Having or encountering 'writer's block' is not always a bad thing.

-If you're a songwriter, then you most likely have probably encountered some form of 'writer's block.' Yes, it is annoying, and sometimes even grueling to deal with, but I assure you, there is a light at the end of the tunnel!

From my personal experiences in songwriting, there were countless times that I've encountered some form of writer's block. When it happens, you really do feel like (or at least I did) that it's all for nothing. However, every time that I pulled through and got over my writer's block, it was either the same as it was, better than before, or different all together. 

Now if you are accustomed to writing in a certain style, adopting a different style after having writer's block can make you feel a little off, or way off. An example is when this happened to me. I was so heavily a part of one style of rock that I wrote songs in, and when the opportunity came when I had to change my style of writing, I didn't know what to do. 

Blank sheet of paper (Writer's block)

Needless to say, I did it. Oh boy though, when I did, I almost completely lost track of my original writing style. Even now I am still having trouble remembering how I wrote songs before in the older format, and sometimes I wish I can revert to it, to write more songs in that style. However, even though sometimes there are cons of writer's block, there are also pros. It can lead you to new things. Perhaps a new way of singing, a new way of writing. Writer's block is a gift and a curse. It just depends how you take it, and how you look at it afterwards.

For me, it was a gift. Even though sometimes (maybe even more) I miss my old style, I have a feeling that one day it will return to me with open arms, and possibly even greater than before. Now, because of experiencing writer's block, I also have multiple styles that I can work with, and I am so thankful for that, because in the end, it just gives me more ways to hopefully connect with the world, through my lens of music and songwriting.

The bottom line is for this tip is, don't be scared of having a writer's block, because sometimes having a 'block' in your way, can lead to having a 'greater and broader view' of yourself in the end.


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